On Being Inconsistent and Unfortunate

Last new year I made a resolution to write something on this blog at least twice a month.
A post on the beginning of the month just to kind of lay out my plan and target for the next thirty days, and another post on the end of it to see if I actually made my plans happen.

How did I do?
I failed miserably.

The first three months I think was the easiest to keep up with my resolution. But then I was busy wrapping up my thesis, graduating, being unemployed for a couple of months, moving back to Jakarta, and trying my absolute best to survive in the work environment.

Without hesitation, a new year comes around and there goes my writing resolution.

I used to have a journal where I successfully write every now and then. I occasionally read my earlier writings, and more often than not, laughing at how desperate or hopeful about life I sometimes become.

Time and time again I thought of writing. On this blog.
I am aware of the fact that I am not the sensational writer that people look forward to reading. But I always try to come up with something that's hopefully worth reading. I always want to move or inspire people with what I write, which is precisely the reason that stops me from actually writing sometimes.

But today, despite of my inner self telling me that what I am about to write is pretty lame, I write anyway.

Today I have learned the beauty of being a human.
A weak and helpless creature that keeps on planning and arranging the future, only to see it all shattered in the count of hours.

For about six months now, I have worked for one of the state owned banks.
A few people from my office have arranged this fancy camping trip that I am supposed to come to this weekend. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about the opportunity to bond with people I usually see working all day long. But then yesterday, after lunch, my boss said that I needed to come and help her on a seminar she's supposed to attend as a speaker. As a new kid at the office, longing to give a good first impression on her boss, I immediately said yes. Knowing that there were some material I had to learn, I decided to bail out on the long awaited camping trip.

And just like what happens in movie, things take extreme turns.
I received a confirmation from the seminar's committee that they had found a replacement speaker, assuming that my office wouldn't be able to attend.

And then there was me.
Trying to comprehend what exactly the universe is trying to tell me.

And if only I had a better way to end this writing than to just say:
Life is what happens while you're busy planning something else.


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