Happiest Birthday to You
Even though this piece of writing is sincerely dedicated for you, I must go ahead and give myself credit for having thought of some of the most surprising birthday presents throughout your whole life. This year, however, I seem to have put off this obligation for so long that tomorrow is already your birthday and I haven't really come up with anything. So here I go, writing down some cheesy reasons on why I love you and how I'm so thankful to have you just in case you forget how precious you are to me-which I sometimes do. Quite often in my life have I wondered if I would ever meet my true soulmate-the one who accepts me for who I am and for that who I am not. Will this soulmate, which I believe comes in a form of the future husband of mine, be able to make peace with my weird way of thinking, speaking, loving, behaving and basically living my life? Will he be okay with me blowing my nose at anytime I feel cold? Will he mind if I mind shaving that I become a very hairy creatu