Read This If You're 23 and Lost
I have always been a big fan of Thought Catalog. It's a platform where a bunch of different writers express their ideas and somehow communicate with people across the borders who read their articles. Most of the time I can definitely connect with the writings, where at the end of the paragraph I find myself wishing to be that good of a writer. A writer who constantly writes and touches the life of many. But most of the time I get completely lost in my own words. Like this time. So here go a few paragraphs (written by Heidi Priebe) that really speak to me this morning. I hope this state of being lost only means that I will soon be found. If you are lost at twenty-three, you are exactly where you need to be right now. I know that it is not where you would like – stuck in the middle of uncertainty and failure and your own inconsistent desires. I know it’s not the place you thought you’d be when you screamed, “Cheers!” on your 20th birthday in anticipation of the next excit