On Growing Apart and Finding Closure
As we grow up, we have come to understand that people grow apart sometimes. As we near the adulthood, we no longer have enough time and energy to keep everyone close to us anymore. Those who used to sit next to us during high school days, lovers we used to see everyday during college, or co-workers who started together but have now moved to different workplaces. These people who used to be part of our routine, are now nothing but happy memories (or painful) and occasional chats of "Let's hang out sometime soon" that never really happens. I, for one, is a true believer of that. There will come days when out of the blue you think of those people, nights when they randomly show up in your dream. And you can't help but feeling a little miserable for missing them and the good times you had together. I had a dream about someone who used to be my regular go to person, when I clearly did not think about them before going to bed. I woke up with such mixed feelings. So