a whole new world

first off, SORRY it's been like forever guys. too many things were going on these last couple months. ( what a great excuse haha )
well actually i was just looking for a topic.
an interesting one, so you guys won't get bored easily when you read this post.

CAN'T YOU BELIEVE IT'S ALMOST DECEMBER? which mean my fourth month kind of anniversary is coming up? haha.

if only i could find a word to describe my life now.
It's been freakin amazing, if it helps lol.
school has been great, pretty good grades ( thank god :D ), homecoming, football games, halloween, thanksgiving. and even my everyday life which really gives me an opportunity to learn something new.

well, i don't think that even a 500-pages book will let me tell my story as a foreign exchange student here in the land of america.

one thing i notice for sure, i'm turning into a really different person as time goes by. i feel like, even bad things that had happened, really gave me something to think of. something to evaluate, more likely something to be thankful for.



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